
Kramer Output Jack

I moved the output jack on the guitar.  I found a cool spot for it and marked the location with the templates I made.  Then I used a drill, some heckin sharp chisels, and a Dremel to make the hole.

The V area where the jack plate will go has a curve and the jack plate is flat.  I’m recessing the plate into the guitar a little bit so it won’t be seen unless you look for it.  That is hard part and requires a lot of fitting.

After the output jack plate is done, I need to drill a loooong hole to connect it to the pickup cavity. This is so I can snake a wire through and get into the control cavity.

The hole is marked out with pencil
The hole is cut and the cover plate temporarily mounted so I can mark the printer to cut the recess.
The cover is removed showing the hole.  Everything inside the dark pencil line will be recessed about 1/16″ or more to allow the jack plate to sit below the surface.
The output jack is set into the body. It required a lot of fitting, but it worked.

This is what the hole looks like.

I drilled this little hole in the bridge pickup cavity for the wires to fish through.
I used blue tape to layout the line to follow with the drill bit and dove in. Now the output jack area can be connected to the control cavity.

A Fine Addition To My Collection

How did General Grievous get all those light sabers?


Stuparena by Los Disturbados

This is so well done!

I can feel it all start slipping away macarena


Corn Maze

Stoled from Reddit (prolly stoled from somewhere else)


New Pickup Day

I decided to get a new set of Invader pickups. They are so nice and shiny and sexy. They shall melt faces. I’m going to mount them with black pickup rings (I think).


Stripping Complete

I (mostly) finished stripping the paint off the body. I still need to work on the pickup cavities and in the tremolo and control areas, but the majority is done.

The tremolo mostly fits too! I need to fine tune it a little bit, but it works!


Stripping Old Paint

I decided to strip the old paint off the guitar. Some of it is like 1/16″ thick. I’m using a heat gun and a scrape and it pops right off.


Kramer Output Jack

The original output jack on the guitar is in the lower V part and it sticks kinda straight out. This sucks if you ever wanna play sitting down while plugged in.

More modern guitars and even the new Kramer Vanguard have the output jack in the upper V out of the way. Also, they use a Stratocaster style plate for the jack so the cable comes out at an angle.

I am going to do this. I’ll need to cut a recess in the upper V to inste the cover plate and provide clearance for the jack and wiring. I’ll also need to drill a loooong hole for the wires to connect. Because the tremolo routing is so big, I’ll drill into the bridge pickup cavity and route the wires there.

A Jackson King V with the style of output jack I want to do. Mine will be a bit lower because the body is thinner.
The red line shows the loooong hole I need to drill.
This is the cover plate I got along with some templates I made out of a coffee can lid and blue tape. I’m going to recess the whole plate into the guitar so nothing will stick out.

Wish me luck!


Tremolo Routing Is Done

I did the routing for the tremolo. It was a pain in the butt. The bit slipped out of the router at one spot…so I have to fix that. I’ll prolly use Bondo or something. That spot won’t show much anyway.

Routing in progress. You can see the oops here. Next I will do the other area with paper.
All done. Other than the oopsy area, it came out good.

I’ll see how the tremolo fits next. I think I will need to do some fine tuning and that’s no biggie.


Hand Built Violin

This guy builds a beautiful violin by hand.