
Wheelwright / Wagon Building

This guy has a business in Montana building and repairing wagons and wheels. For his YouTube channel, he makes great videos and explains everything. The process of doing what he does is fascinating.

This is the final video in his series of building a HUGE wagon.



Little guy does not approve of this one…


Plugging Holes

I plugged all the holes in the guitar body. I don’t think I will use any of the old screw holes, plus I am moving the strap button, and the output jack is moved. Plug them all!

Also there was a screw with a twisted off head that needs to come out.

A busted screw that needs to come out. This will be a piece of cake!
The little $#¶$! was a royal pain to remove
Plug the old output jack and pickup ring screw holes
Plug the tremolo cover screws

A Gorilla Walks Into A Bar…

A gorilla walks into a bar and asks for a beer.

The bartender slides him a beer and says “That will be $11. We don’t get many gorillas coming in here.”

The gorilla says “With the prices you charge, I’m not surprised!”


Yo Momma

Your mom is so short, when she went to the zoo, it was animal crackers!


Mocking Up The Vanguard

I finished a couple little jobs like drilling for the tremolo posts, and increasing the hole size for the kill switch. Next is mocking up to make sure stuff fits and lines up.

I installed the tremolo posts and tremolo. I installed the killswitch, volume pot, and pickup selector switch.

I used some string to approximate the guitar strings and the tremolo lines up real good.

Looking secksy
It looks cool with the neck back on!

Next steps are prepping for paint and re-fretting the neck.


Steel Panther

These guys are a national treasure and should be honored as such!



I don’t want anymore kids, so I went to get a vasectomy. It didn’t work because the kids were still there when I got home.


Output Jack Wiring

After moving the output jack, I drilled a 1/8″ pilot hole to the pickup area. I then used a 12″ long 5/16″ bit to make the hole bigger.

I ran into a problem and could not get the holes to connect. I bought an 18″ long drill bit and went to work.

Turns out the first hole drifted off course which is why it didn’t connect. Then I drilled too far and it came out the back. Ugh.

After the bit came out the back I realized what happened and connected the holes. It’s a bit uglier than I wanted but no big deal. It won’t show.

Big mama jamma drill bit!
Whoops. The drill wandered and came out in the back spring cavity. I’ll plug it and it will be covered. No biggie.
The holes connect now. A bit ugly, but it’s mine.

Pickups Fit Now

I needed to do a bit of modification to make the pickups fit. A little quality time with some sharp chisels is all it takes.

I had to cut the little notches for the base of the pickup.
The pickup mounting rings will cover the notches.