
Painting The Vangaurd Headstock

Time to repaint the headstock on the Vanguard. Kramer headstocks have a small border of black painted on the sides to give the appearance of a headstock plate. I taped that line off using blue tape. I also covered the other areas that might get over sprayed.

Here is a photo of the little detail HVLP spray gun I have been using. It’s from Harbor Freight and it works real good!

Then I sprayed the headstock with a nice basecoat of Createx Autoborne Sealer Black

Next is a coat of Createx Wicked Gloss Black to finish it off.

After the paint dried a bit, time to peel the blue tape off!

The next step is to add a bit of clear and then a new Kramer logo and more clear.


This Book Is About Me


Orange-ier Orange Paint

I sprayed the color coat on the Vangaurd. The color is Createx Candy2O Grabber Orange. It’s the same water based stuff as others. It dries real quick so I was able to put on about 6 coats. This time it’s a proper orange and nobody will mistake for brown or copper.

The color is a dye that is mixed with a clear paint. It’s like a 6:1 ratio of clear to color.

All mixed up in a bowl

Then I used a small HVLP spray gun to spray it as even as I could. It came out pretty good!

Front of upside down guitar (like Hendrix would play it)
Booty shot

Overall I am happy with it! There are some small imperfections… A hair on the front near the neck pickup, a couple blotches in the silver that show up.

Here is a quick video of what it looks like outside in the sun.


Metallic Silver For Vanguard

The white basecoat has dried and now it’s silver time! Instead of the charcoal metallic like last time, this time I’ll apply a coat of Createx Wicked Metallic Silver.

This coat came out a bit blotchy looking. Maybe when it dries it will look a bit better.

The next step is some candy orange!


White Basecoat on Vangaurd

I sprayed the body with a white basecoat. I used Createx Autoborne Sealer White for this. It covered everything up really nice!

The next step is to spray metallic silver.


Starting Over With Paint

I was not happy with the paint color, so I’m going to paint it again but use a lighter basecoat this time. Also, I’ll take the opportunity to fill in some dents and dings that showed up when I painted it.

The first step is to sand down the areas with dents and dings.

Then I added Bondo to the areas and let it harden overnight.

The next day, 20 minutes with a palm sander took care of 99% of the paint.

Sanding back the paint leaves some of the black sealer in the teeny dents and dings that I missed. I’m kinda glad they will be filled in now!

Some dings with black sealer in there.

The rest of the paint was removed by hand with 320 and paper by hand.

The end result is better than what I started with!


Best of The B Sides

Iron Maiden has the coolest album artwork.


Coldplay (w/ Marty McFly) – Johnny B Goode

This is cool as hell! Coldplay and Michael J Fox ripping out Johnny B Goode in front of a HUGE crowd!


Vanguard Orange Paint

I put the final color coat on the guitar today. The color coat is Createx Candy2o Grabber Orange 4654. This is a clear orange color that lets you see through to the metallic color underneath. The more you put on, the more orange it gets.

I’m very happy with the results! I’ve never sprayed a candy color like this on something that I care about.

I should have spent some more time on prep. You can see the joint where the two pieces of wood come together. Hopefully the clear hides it some.

Here is a video of it outside so you can see the color better.

After some thought, I don’t really like the color. It looks cool outside and in bright light. Inside and in lower light, it looks way too dark (like brown or copper). I’m going to repaint it using a much lighter metallic base coat.

Stay tuned..


Vanguard Metallic Paint

I was too excited and decided to spray the next color. The next step is the metallic color. I used Createx Wicked Charcoal Metallic W359. This paint is also water based and easy to clean up.

It took a few passes to get the coverage right, but hole shit it looks cool!

My pants are tight right now!

Here is a quick video of what it looks like outside.

The next step is to spray even coats of candy orange until is looks sexy as shit. I’ll use Createx Candy20 Grabber Orange 4654 for that.

The black and metallic are the easy parts of the paint and I’m pretty nervous about the candy. I’ve only ever sprayed candy color on plastic models.