
Workbench Inception

It sure would be easier to make a workbench if I had a workbench. Lucky for me, I had a big ass hunk of butcher block counter top.

I screwed some lumber to the wall with masonry screws and attached the counter to it. I added some legs and a 2×6 to the front and voila!

Helper workbench

I also added some holes for a pair of holdfasts. It’s solid as shit, too bad it’s attached to the wall.


Farmer Interview

A reportedlr is interviewing a dairy Farmer about his

Interviewer: How much water do they drink a day?

Farmer: Which one? The Black one or the brown one?

Interviewer: Brown one.

Farmer: A couple of litres per day.

Interviewer: And the black one?

Farmer: A couple of litres per day.

Interviewer: I see. What do you give them to eat?

Farmer: Which one? Black or brown?

Interviewer: Black one.

Farmer: It eats grass.

Interviewer: And the other one?

Farmer: Grass.

Interviewer: Why do you keep asking which one when the answers are the same?

Farmer: Because the black one’s mine.

Interviewer: Oh, and the brown one?

Farmer: It’s also mine.



I’ve always been interested in woodworking, I just never had the equipment and space. I always thought you need table saw, jointer, surface planner, routers and gobs of other expensive machines to do it.

A while back I found the YouTube channel of a guy named Paul Sellers. Paul is an old school furniture maker and does so using primary I’ll hand tools. Now he runs a woodworking school and publishes books and tons of social media content (blogs, and videos). His series of videos on making a joiners mallet inspired me to give it a shot. I borrowed a couple hand planes from my dad, and bought a cheap set of chisels from Harbor Freight and went to town.

I quickly found out if I want to do stuff like this, I need a workbench much better than my little Black and Decker workmate.

I decided to build a Roubo style workbench. I was going to make it out of cheap framing lumber, and I was going to do it with mostly hand tools.

Fast forward to now. I have a pile of lumber in my basement, and cleaned out a corner.



What’s it called when a chameleon can’t change its colors anymore?

A reptile dysfunction.


Funny Smell

Don’t you hate it when you’re driving along smoking a cigarette, you flick it out the window and you drive for a couple more miles and smell something funny and you look over onto the back seat and sure enough, grandma is fingering herself again.


Starter Pistol

I just heard some people at the track got shot with a starter pistol!

Police say it’s race related.



My girlfriend said having a four inch penis is OK.

I still wish she didn’t have one.



What do you call spaghetti that hangs out on a street corner?




A blonde gets pulled over for speeding. The cop is also a blonde.
Cop: “Let me see your driver’s license.”
Driver: “What’s that?”
Cop: “A square thing with your picture on it.”
Blonde fumbles through her purse, finds a mirror, sees herself in it, and hands it to the cop.
Cop looks at it, hands it back and says, “I’m gonna let you go without a ticket. I didn’t know you were a cop.”


Melted Onions

Good lord, I need this inside me.