I’m trying to use hand tools only when building the workbench. Here are some of the ones I use the most so far.
Planes The both of them are Stanley planes. The top one is my dad’s from teh 1970s. The wooden one is from the 1950s and was one of my grandfathers.
Brace and Bits A bit brace I bought at the flea market (works great) and a cool old WWI .30cal ammo box with a bunch of auger bits.
Squares and tape The two tops squares are from flea markets. They are both pretty old (the wooden one is really old I think). The bottom square is from Lowes and was WAY out of square until I fixed it.
Chisels These are some cheapo chisels I bought at Harbor Freight. I made them sharp as shit.
A couple mallets The rubber one is for knocking in my holdfasts and stuff. I made the bottom one last summer out of firewood using only hand tools. I followed a series of videos by Paul Sellers.
Clamps These are all cheapo clamps. I have about 10 clamps of different shapes and sizes.
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