
Slab Number 2 Glued Up

Slab number 2 all glued up!

Wheel of Fortune

Too bad it’s fake 🙁


Wife in Labor

A guy calls the hospital. He says, “You gotta send help! My wife’s going into labor!”

The nurse says, “Calm down. Is this her first child?”

He says, “No! This is her husband!”


Car Wash

A dad is washing the car with his son.

After a moment, the son asks his father, “Do you think we could use a sponge instead?”


First Slab Glued Up

I glued up the first slab yesterday and took it out of the clamps.

First slab is glued up. A few spots have small gaps, but I am happy with the results.

I’m going to glue up the second slab today.


Tools I’m Using

I’m trying to use hand tools only when building the workbench. Here are some of the ones I use the most so far.


Practice Glue Up

I did my first glue up of the bench top.

Test glue up.
Two of the boards for the top are glued up.

In the middle of that mess of clamps is the first part of one bench top slab.


Anthrax & Public Enemy – Bring The Noise



Run Run Away – Slade

A cool tune from 1984 that features an electric violin.


Cross cut a board “the nice way”

With the right simple technique you can make nice, accurate cuts with a hand saw. Your tools need to be good (sharp saw, a square that is actually square, sharp knife, sharp chisel).

This accuracy is not actually required for this step of the workbench (rough cut to length) but I’m practicing 🙂

Mark length with knife.
Mark the length you want to cut with a sharp knife (WAY more precise than a pencil)
Strike a line with knife.
Place the knife in the mark you made, and slide a square next to the blade. Strike a square line using multiple knife strokes a little deeper with each pass. This cut is actually the one that you will see.
Transfer line to all 4 sides.
Use the knife and square to transfer the line to all 4 sides of the board. Use 1 reference face as much as possible to minimize error.
Create notch for the saw.
Use a sharp chisel to make a small V shaped notch on the waste side of the wood. This notch will guide the saw. Leave the good side alone the knife cut will be the edge. Paul Sellers calls this a “knife wall”.
Cut the wood with your saw.
Place the blade of your sharp saw in the notch and cut away. Go slow at the end so you don’t splinter the back side.
This method gives you a nice clean cut.